Hi folks!
Today is 15th day of 11th month on lunar calendar and many Buddhist will practice vegetarian diet today.
I started from having vegetarian every 1st and 15th with my mom when I was 8 years old. And ever since turning into full-time vegetarian diet when I was 14, my gastric problem gradually reduced to zero.
In recent years, there are more and more people adopting plant-based diet for eco-conscious reason.
I read that in US alone, 17% of the population are on plant-based/vegetarian/vegan diet! Below are some notable Power CEO Vegans!
Power CEO Vegans
.1. Steve Wynn, American casino resort and real-estate developer who has been credited for re-surging and expanding the Las Vegas Strip in the 1990s
2. Russell Simmons, co-founder of hip-hop label Def Jam and creator of clothing lines Phat Farm, Argylculture, and American Classics
3. Former President Bill Clinton, who now runs the William J. Clinton Foundation
4. Bill Ford, Executive Chairman of the Board for Ford Motor Company
5. Biz Stone, co-founder and creative director of Twitter
6. Joi Ito, venture captalist, CEO of Creative Commons, and General Partner of Neoteny Labs
7. John Mackey, CEO of Whole Foods Market
8. Mort Zuckerman, real estate magnate
9. Mike Tyson, yes the Mike Tyson, who has traded ear-biting for pigeon tending in Arizona
10. Alec Baldwin, who plays a CEO in 30 Rock, but also keeps a public profile off-screen in animal rights activism
Now, being vegetarian or adopting plant-based diet is no longer consider a taboo, but it's very much the healthy and environmental-friendly trend now.
Everyone can start from a single step by taking a pledge to reduce meat intake, a meal per day or one day weekly! For the sake of this earth and your health too!
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